Cristiano Ronaldo v Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Who Is The Best?

| Monday, February 23, 2009

I find it very funny when people start comparing Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. I don't think it is possible because they both playing in different position, different league and different mindset. The only similarity between both players is that they are the key players for their respective team plus Ibrahimovic was never really a contender in any major individual awards such as FIFA World Best Player or European Player of the Year.

I think the only person that is comparable with Ibrahimovic from United's squad would be Dimitar Berbatov. Both playing as a striker, good ball control, big physical, good in the air and explosive finishing touch. Unfortunately, I believe that at the moment Ibrahimovic is way better than Berbatov. The only problem with Berbatov is lack of stamina which affect his performance. He should quit smoking earlier if he really want to play at highest level.

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Gazy said...

Definitely is my CR_7...
glory3 manu...