6 + 5? Sepp Blatter is Becoming Irrelevant!

| Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sepp Blatter, the more I hear that name, the more ridiculous this guy has become. If you’re a football fan, you must have heard about the 6 + 5 system that he is trying to implement. His argument was since EPL being introduced 16 years ago; only 4 teams have won the league. So, he want make the league ‘more competitive’.

Yea right! What he is trying to do is to lower the standard of EPL and at the same time demolish the dominance force of the English teams in the Champion League. Let me ask you something, since 1993, how many times English teams have won the Champion League? Only 2 teams and 3 times (Manchester United 2 times, Liverpool once).

Where is FIFA and why nobody said anything when Spanish and Italian teams dominated the Champion League few years ago. Still remember when Juventus vs AC Milan in the final and how boring that game were? The only time when lots of people watching the game is when there is English team playing but Sepp Blatter have something else in his mind.

If let’s say they actually implemented the system, do you really think that Manchester United, Chelsea or Arsenal will suddenly becoming ‘weak’? I don’t think so because they still have the spending power and they will buy every good English player they could set eyes on and other teams except ‘The Big Four’ will to lose all their English players and need to find players from the lower leagues and this could make the league weaker.

Worst of all, ALL big teams will snatch young talented players who haven’t play for the country where they were born and force them to represent the club’s country. Now, the player is in dilemma whether to play for the dream club or to represent their beloved country.

To me, this is the real ‘modern slavery’, where good players can’t play for their favorite team due to the restriction. Unfortunately, FIFA only cares about protecting certain leagues and not the entire football community.

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